- Cardiovascular Diseases
- Cardiology - HealthLink
- CliniWeb-Cardiovascular Diseases
- CliniWeb-Cardiovascular System Anatomy
- The Heart.org
- MedWeb-Cardiology - Index
- Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
- Cardiovascular System-Anatomy
- The Heart: An Online Exploration
- WebMedLit-Cardiology
- Introduction to Haemodynamic Waveforms - Haemodynamics Tutorial
- ACLS Algorithm's
- (ACLS) Megacode Simulator
- The Mechanical Ventilation Simulator
- Acute Pediatric Care for the Primary Care Practitioner Series
- Primary Care Baseline - EKG Interpretation Algorithms
- Cardiology CME - EKG Atlas
- EKG File Room - Sponsored by Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc.
- The Learning Room- EKG
- Echocardiography - 300 educational echo images
- Heart Sounds -- Heart Sounds
- Cardiology CME-Atlas of Murmurs
- Cardiac Arrhythmia Advisory System - Text Description of Cardiac Arrhythmias
- Don't forget to visit my other best posts in Cardiology section.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
cardiology websites
- Medical journals - List of Primary care related journals
- JMIR- Journal of Medical Internet Research
- Countway Libray of Medicine - Electronic Journals
- WebMedLit - Currently tracking 23 medical journals. Sponsored by SilverPlatter Information and Physicians' Home Page
- Journal Club on the Web - An interactive medical "journal club"
- Journal of Primary Care - Virtual medical library
- American Family Physician Home Page
- MD Consult - Journals
- Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report
- Today's Internist - The Magazine of the American Society of Internal Medicine
- New England Journal of Medicine - Includes the complete text of many articles and partial text of others
- British Medical Journal- Contains selected articles from the weekly BMJ
- The Lancet- Free access to a selection of features from the journal
- Informatics - The Journal of Informatics in Primary Care
- Hippocrates - Requires Medscape registration
- Welcome to the Medical Tribune -Online medical journal
- Medical Education Online- An electronic journal
Oncology websites
- NCI's CancerNet Cancer Information
Clinical Oncology Guidelines
Oncology - HealthLink
U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center
Cancer Related Links- Index
Oncology, MedMark Index
Hardin MD - Oncology - Lists of Links
The Cancer Survival ToolboxTM
Medicine Home Page - medical oncology
NCI: Cancer Trials
Pediatric Medicine websites
- Common Therapeutics for Frequent Pediatric Diagnoses 1994 - Louisiana State University
- Acute Pediatric Care for the Primary Care Practitioner Series
- Pediatrics - HealthLink
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- PEDBASE a database of pediatrics
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases
- Vanderbilt Pediatric Interactive Digital Library
- HealthWeb:Pediatrics
- CDC's new handbook for child care providers
- PEDIATRICS electronic pages
- Kids' Health./Fitness
- Immunization of Normal Infants and Children
- Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities-CliniWeb
- Pediatric Points of Interest - Marshall University School of Medicine
- Antimicrobial Use Guidelines-Pediatrics
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine Topics
- Radiology Cases In Pediatric Emergency Medicine
- PEDINFO Home Page
Pharmacology WEBSITES
- PhRMA - Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
- Pharmacy - HealthLink
- Pharmacology
- RXmed
- PDRnet
- Drug Interactions - Relevant Websites
- Needy Meds
- RxList - The Internet Drug Index
- Safemedication - a consumer-based drug information and safety tips site
- Drug InfoNet - Drug Information
- Drug Hub - Clinical Pharmacology Database
- Antibiotic Guide - Antibiotic Utilization Guidelines
- Newly Approved Medications
Pulmonary Medicine WEBSITES
- Virtual Hospital: Lung Cancer and Related Topics
- Respiratory Tract Diseases
- Pulmonary Medicine - HealthLink
- VentWorld
- Teach Your Patients About Asthma: A Clinician's Guide
- CliniWeb-Respiratory Tract Diseases
- CliniWeb-Respiratory System Anatomy
- Auditory Findings -List of Respiratory sounds
- Lung Anatomy- Text and Radiologic Review
- Pulmonary Pathology Index - WebPath
- Respiratory System - Structure and Function of the Normal Lung
- Pulmonary Advanced Physical Diagnosis -Loyola University Medical Center
- Screening Pulmonary Examination
- Respiratory Examination -College of Medicine-Univ. of Florida
- Lung Tumors - Assists in workup of undiagnosed chest masses
- The R.A.L.E. Repository- Respiratory sounds
Orthopedic Surgery Sites
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- Medscape - Orthopedics - Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Topic
- Orthopaedics - HealthLinks
- The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
- Musculoskeletal Diseases
- Orthopedic Associations/Societies
- The Virtual Hospital: Patient Handouts: Orthopaedics
- American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
- The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
- Current Case Study - Orthopedic
- Orthopedics, MedMark
- Musculoskeletal Diseases Index- CliniWeb
- Orthopaedic Databases
- University of Washington Bone and Joint Resources
- Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics
- LinkOrthopaedics
- Imaging of Muscle Injuries- The Virtual Hospital
- Medical Matrix - Free Registration
- Electronic Journal of Orthopaedics
- Orthopedics Today
- WorldOrtho
- Orthopaedic Clinical Cases
- The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
Friday, 17 July 2009

VADLO is a life sciences search engine. VADLO caters to life sciences and biomedical researchers, educators, students, clinicians and reference librarians. In addition to providing focused search on biology research methods, databases, online tools and software, VADLO is also a resource for powerpoints on biomedical topics, mainly for which, VADLO was named one of the top 10 Health Search Engines of 2008 by AltSearchEngines
VADLO offers search within five categories:
- Seminars - for powerpoint lectuers in biology and medical fields
- Online Tools - for bioinformatics tools such as gene prediction, sequence manipulation, PCR primer design etc.
- Databases - for information about genes, proteins, mutations, plants and organisms, diseases.
- Software - for bioinformatics software.
- Protocols - for molecular biology and other life sciences methods, techniques, and how to make reagents.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
USMLE StepPrep.com
rxpg: medical forums with usmle section

Old Question Papers, High Yield Points and Strategies with respect to Indian Medical Post Graduate PG Entrance Exams like AIIMS,AIPG, JIPMER, CMC Vellore, PGI Chandigarh, UPSC, TNPSC, State PG Exams like Tamil Nadu PG (TN PG), Delhi PG, UPPG, Tamilnadu PG (TNPG) , Karnataka PG kerala MAHE, COMED-K etc.....in addition you can find PLAB / USMLE / MRCP /IELTS / AMC resources also.....
Please add any other websites you know in comments
Also visit Medical MCQs in all subjects also !!
Cochrane Library
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane reviews represent the highest level of evidence on which to base clinical treatment decisions. In addition to Cochrane reviews, The Cochrane Library provides other sources of reliable information, from other systematic review abstracts, technology assessments, economic evaluations and individual clinical trials – all the current evidence in one single environment
The Cochrane Library consists of 6 databases of Evidence Based Resources, the most popular being Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Each review is written on a fairly focused topic, by experts after they have read up a huge no of articles on it, and what you read is the complete systematic review of the entire literature (well, almost) on the topic. Each review is revised roughly once in three years to include matters from more recent studies. If you read a Cochrane review, it is a source of Evidence based information
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
WHO - Reproductive Health Library
If you are interested in using the best evidence to improve reproductive health care, then the RHL is a very important resource
The Microbiology Video Library
"Particularly impressive are the wide variety of easily downloaded high quality images and short QuickTime movies. These may be particularly useful for staff to use for PowerPoint lectures and for student presentations ... a useful source of information for both staff and students"
search by alphabet
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
MicrobeWiki-resource on microbes and microbiology

MicrobeWiki is a free wiki resource on microbes and microbiology, edited by students and monitored by microbiologists at Kenyon College
MicrobeWiki includes these modules:
Microbial Biorealm: encylopedia of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotic microbes. See also Taxonomy Index.
Viral Biorealm: encyclopedia of viruses of animals and plants, and bacteriophages. See also Taxonomy Index.
Microbial World News: highlights of microbiology in the news.
Microbial Mythology: common errors and controversies in microbiology.
Mycology Online
Hospital and School of Molecular & Biomedical Science at the University of Adelaide
Photo Gallery |
Fungal Jungle |
Mycoses |
Fungal Descriptions |
Laboratory Methods |
Kaminski's Digital Image Library
Mould Identification: A Virtual Self Assessment
Fungus Photo of the Month - July 2009
The Atlas of Ophthalmology

Videos of Surgical Procedures
This page provides links to prerecorded webcasts of surgical procedures. These are actual operations performed at medical centers in the United States since January 2004. The videos last an hour. Please note that you cannot send in questions by email, though the webcast may say that you can, because you are not seeing these videos live.
Most videos dated after July 15, 2007 are in Flash format. You will need Flash to view the programs. You can download the flash players at www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer.
For videos dated before July 15, 2007, you will need the latest version of RealPlayer to view the programs. If you do not have Real Player, you will be prompted to obtain a free download of the software before you view the presentation. You can download the RealPlayer media player at www.real.com.
The videos open in a second window. If you have a pop-up blocker, you will need to disable it to view the programs.
Good pharmacology websites
Nursing Pharmacology nursingpharmacology.info
Site developer: Michael Gordon, Ph.D
Practice question seT
Problem set
Special Topics
Monday, 13 July 2009
Medicine | Neurosurgery & Neurology | Surgery
Pediatrics | Psychiatry| Integrative Medicine
Emergency Medicine | Arthritis Center | Anesthesia
Dermatology Images
- Dermatologic Online Image Atlas More than 4,500 Images - University of Erlangen, Germany
- Dermatologic Image Database - University of Iowa
- Atlas of Oral Pathology - College of Dentistry, University of Iowa
- Dermatlas More than 1,600 images - Johns Hopkins University
- Skin Cancer and Benign Tumor Image Atlas - Loyola University - Chicago
- Dermatology Image Bank - University of Utah
- National Library of Dermatologic Teaching Slides - Kodachrome Sets and
National Library of Dermatologic Teaching Slides - CD-ROM version - American Academy of Dermatology - Dermatology & Rheumatology "On-line ATLAS" - University of Padova
It is a database of ophthalmological images that could be useful for eye doctors, general physicians and medical student
Pictures can be reproduced or used with permission of the author.
The index is on the top of each page.
The author
Umberto Benelli, MD, PhD is born in Carrara. Actually he work in the Eye Center of the University of Pisa as researcher.
Collection of websites with free medical mcqs in all subjects. Comment below any other sites you know.
Visit Indian medical pg entrance preparation websites also !!!